
Master Class Program

The Master Class program is an intensive training that is an integral part of the 12th Indonesian Language Congress (KBI XII). This MasterClass aims to address the challenges faced by language professionals in developing their insights and enhancing their expertise in specific fields. The KBI XII will feature two Master Classes: the Lexicography Master Class and the Forensic Linguistics Master Class.

The Conference

KBI XII will feature three types of sessions: single plenary sessions, panel sessions and parallel sessions. The speakers for plenary and panel sessions are the invited speakers and determined by the committee. Meanwhile, the paper presenter for the parallel sessions is from the public who register their participation through a selection process.

Language and Literature Virtual Exhibition

Language and Literature Virtual Exhibition will be held as part of activities in the Congress. The exhibition will display the local language diversity across Indonesia, the history of the Indonesian Language Congress, and the development of the Indonesian language from time to time.

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