The 12th
Indonesian Language Congress

"Literacy in Diversity to Advance the Nation"

The 12th
Indonesian Language Congress

"Literacy in Diversity to Advance the Nation"

Jakarta, 25—28 October 2023
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Announcement of Master Class Selected Participants for the Lexicography Master Class and Forensic Linguistic Master Class
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Announcement of Master Class Selected Participants
We would like to inform you that the announcement of Master Class selected participants that should had been delivered on June 12th 2023 is postponed to June 19th 2023. The selected participants for the Lexicography Master Class and Forensic Linguistic Master Class will be announced on KBI website ( and National Agency for Language Development and Cultivation website (badanbahasa.
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Announcement of Paper Selection for Indonesian Language Congress XII 2023

The National Agency for Language Development and Cultivation, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology has announced selected papers for Indonesian Language Congress XII 2023. The paper assessment has been conducted administratively and substantively by assessors and the Committee of Indonesian Language Congress XII. This assessment focuses on format criteria and paper writing structure, as well as content and language compliance and plagiarism threshold compliance.

Selected papers list for Indonesian Language Congress XII is attached in inseparable attachment in this announcement. The decision from the assessor team and the Indonesian Language Congress XII Committee is final and undisputed.

For further information, the committee will contact the selected paper writers.

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The theme of KBI XII 2023, " Literacy in Diversity to Advance the Nation", implies that the need to strengthen literacy should be developed from the awareness of diversity which is a part of Indonesia’s identity, which includes a diversity of customs, ethnicities, languages, and religions. Diversity, which is an integral part of Indonesia, is ...More >>


One of the essential factors that influence the journey of the Indonesian nation is the Indonesian language. Since the Youth Pledge (Sumpah Pemuda) was proclaimed on October the 28th, 1928, it was then that the Indonesian language began to develop its function as a unifying language at the national level. Due to its important role, Article 36 of the 1945 Constitution stipulates the Indonesian language as the national language. ...More >>

As the highest forum that discusses linguistic and literary issues in Indonesia, KBI XII aims to determine policy directions for developing and fostering language in Indonesia by bringing together all stakeholders to exchange ideas and the latest information on language handling, especially the Indonesian language and local languages in Indonesia. ...More >>


Tema KBI XII Tahun 2023 “Literasi dalam Kebinekaan untuk Kemajuan Bangsa” mengandung makna bahwa penguatan literasi baca-tulis perlu ditumbuhkan dari kesadaran tentang kebinekaan yang menjadi fakta keindonesiaan yang meliputi adat istiadat, suku bangsa, bahasa, dan agama. Kebinekaan yang merupakan keniscayaan bangsa Indonesia tersebut adalah aset yang dapat menjadi kekayaan dan kekuatan untuk merajut rasa bangga sebagai bangsa yang beragam yang akan menjadi modal yang kuat untuk memajukan bangsa. ...Selengkapnya >>

Latar Belakang

Salah satu faktor penting yang memengaruhi perjalanan kehidupan bangsa Indonesia adalah bahasa Indonesia. Sejak diikrarkannya Sumpah Pemuda pada tanggal 28 Oktober 1928, bahasa Indonesia mulai mengembangan fungsinya sebagai pemersatu bangsa. Karena peran pentingnya tersebut, dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 pada Pasal 36 ditetapkan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa negara. Pascakemerdekaan, bahasa Indonesia mengalami perkembangan yang amat pesat sehingga bahasa Indonesia tidak saja menjadi bahasa yang mampu mengikat persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa, tetapi juga menjadi penghela ilmu pengetahuan. ...Selengkapnya >>


Sebagai forum tertinggi yang membahas masalah kebahasaan dan kesastraan di Indonesia, KBI XII bertujuan untuk menentukan arah kebijakan pengembangan dan pembinaan bahasa di Indonesia dengan menghimpun semua unsur pemangku kepentingan untuk bertukar pikiran dan informasi terkini tentang penanganan bahasa, khususnya bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa daerah yang ada di Indonesia. ...Selengkapnya >>

Participant Registration

Registration date:
January 16th—July 2nd, 2023

Presenter Registration

Registration date:
January 16th—May 2nd, 2023


Master Class Program

The Master Class program is an intensive training that is an integral part of the 12th Indonesian Language Congress (KBI XII). This MasterClass aims to address the challenges faced by language professionals in developing their insights and enhancing their expertise in specific fields.

The Conference

KBI XII will feature three types of sessions: single plenary sessions, panel sessions and parallel sessions. The speakers for plenary and panel sessions are the invited speakers and determined by the committee. Meanwhile, the paper presenter for the parallel sessions is from public who register their participation through a selection process.

Language and Literature Virtual Exhibition

Language and Literature Virtual Exhibition will be held as part of activities in the Congress. The exhibition will display the local language diversity across Indonesia, the history of the Indonesian Language Congress, and the development of the Indonesian language from time to time.

Important Dates

October 2022
The Website Launching of KBI XII

28th October 2022
January 2023
Presenter Registration

16th January—2nd May 2023
June 2023
Acceptance Presenter Notification
2nd June 2023
January 2023
Participants Registration

16th January—2nd July 2023
August 2023
Acceptance Participant Notification
2nd August 2023
August 2023
Confirmation Deadline for Selected Paper Presenter and Participant
28th August 2023